We’re big believers in combining acupuncture with herbal medicine, because the two go hand-in-hand. In fact, it’s like acupuncture is your left hand and herbal medicine is your right. Using just one hand is inefficient.
When herbal medicine and acupuncture is used in harmony, they can be very effective when treating chronic disorders. Often other practices like cupping, Tuina massage and Qigong are used too.
You might have heard, we’re organising the most anticipated Classical Herbal Medicine (Jing Fang) conference ever. Even in China, you probably wouldn’t see our line-up together as many of our keynote speakers are from opposite ends of the country.
I’m already a herbalist, Why should i attend?
If you’re a herbalist, it’s a no-brainer. This is your chance to learn from educators which most TCM practitioners in the UK would never have the access to. And, it’s approved by the RCHM.
I’m an Acupuncturist, why should I attend?
By combining your skills in acupuncture with herbal medicine, you can increase your efficacy rate by achieving results quicker whilst requiring less acupuncture treatments. This can also help you become a more experienced practitioner as you will be able to treat a wider range of conditions. Moreover, another therapy in your toolkit will allow you to increase your revenue stream. Jing Fang is a method which focuses on using formulas which have been proven to be effective over thousands of years. Some find Jing Fang easier to learn and put into practice than traditional herbal medicine.
What course should I go to?
If you are able to, we recommend attending the full 8 days because this is a one-time event and you save £150. We cover highly sought after topics such as cancer, infertility, autoimmunity, bi-syndromes, asthma and gastrointestinal disorders. If you just want an overview, we recommend the conference weekend from the 29th-30th September.
If you cannot attend the full event, not to worry, you can purchase tickets for certain days.
Here’s what you can expect:
Professor Huang Huang, internationally known for his captivating teaching style and memorable case studies, will be opening the conference weekend and teaching an introductory Jing Fang course from the 4th-6th October. This is open to Acupuncturists, without prior knowledge of herbal medicine, to kickstart their education in herbal medicine.
We’ll have Professor Li Saimei, the most highly regarded female TCM doctor in the Guangzhou. She spearheads the department of “Treatise on Cold Damage” at Guangzhou University of TCM and she is one of the top 10 most influential women in Guangzhou. During the conference weekend, she will be providing some of her most notable case studies for infertility and diabetes.
Professor Feng Shilun is a master of Jing Fang and is recognised across the world for his hard work in the preservation of Master Hu Xishu’s legacy. Professor Feng will make this one of his last international trips and so this is a rare chance to learn from him directly. Professor Feng’s one-day course on Jing Fang formulas for Asthma and Bi-Syndromes is not to be missed!
Professor Wang Sanhu – famed TCM oncologist and Vice President of the Oncology Society and the World Federation of TCM, will be giving us an incredible insight into his work with patients with colon cancer. Cancer is a scarce topic for herbalists in the west and very few venture towards it. During the conference weekend, Professor Wang will explain the theory and how he has helped his patients overcome the disease.
For more information and to find the right CPD course for you, please visit the website or contact the team info@phoenixtcm.org.uk.
Download the timetable – English
Download the timetable – Chinese 中文
Download the full programme – English
Download the full programme – Chinese 中文
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