The 2,000-year-old medical practice of acupuncture has been brought into the 21st century through proven and effective research methods to treat patients, children, volunteers and all people impacted in times of shock and trauma.
Worldwide, acupuncture is seen to have a place in disaster medicine. Treatments have been used to aid citizens during times of critical disasters these include post 9/11 treatments to the New York City community, the aftermath of the 2011 hurricane in Teresópolis, Brazil, whereby 900 died. In the UK military personnel, the receive acupuncture for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Battlefield Acupuncture is widely taught and used by the USA military.
Two London Acupuncturists rallied together after the Grenfell Tower tragedy to set up front line “Emergency Acupuncture” at various London locations. Since then, over 50 volunteer acupuncturists have joined the cause to treat the community to post-traumatic stress. Some of our team has worked in Gaza and Myanmar so we have this amazing frontline experience. In addition, a number of acupuncture supply companies have agreed to match donations for equipment to aid the emergency acupuncture clinics.
Emergency Acupuncture can be found at the following locations:
· Ad-hoc ‘Street Clinics’ under the flyer over near Westway Sports Centre, where treat the public on the street
· The Mosque: Fridays – 4 -7 pm and Saturdays 1 – 5 pm. The Muslim Cultural Centre 244 Acklam Road, W10 5YG
· The Dalgarno Centre, Dalgarno Way, London W10 5LE. Treatment space on Fridays 10 am – 1 pm
Community Style Acupuncture consists of:
* Ear / Auricular treatments using pre-packaged, sterilized, disposable needles or ear magnets.
* Treatments done in a group setting using an effective protocol for reducing stress, panic and anxiety, improving sleep, and creating a general sense of well-being.
“We have already treated hundreds of people; the benefits to people’s lives have been incredible, which no other medicine can do in this immediate way, our team have worked flat out and the results have been absolutely fantastic.”
Sheira Chan, Co-Founder, Emergency Acupuncture
Want to get involved? Please get in touch!
Gisela Norman 07968 855 001
Sheira Chan 07761 092 904
Photos courtesy of the incredible Emergency Acupuncture team
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