The International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM) is the oldest acupuncture training college in the UK, who has been providing high standards of acupuncture training since 1972 and we have been a supplier to ICOM for a number of years.

In 2017, Joint Principal of ICOM, Sam Patel and three other acupuncturists went out to Wachet Jivitadana Sangha Hospital in Myanmar, Burma. The hospital aims to provide medical treatment to the sick irrespective of ‘nationality, race, sex, religion, social status wealth or poverty’. It is a non-profit, non-government humanitarian organisation dependent on donations. The team went to Myanmar to take part in clinical teaching with 20 local students. Whilst they were out there, the group saw 832 patients in just 11 free sessions.
As long-standing friends of ICOM, we donated as many acupuncture needles as we could so that Sam and his team could treat the patients at the Jivitadana Sangha Hospital during the free clinics for the community. We would like to say a huge well done to Sam and the team for treating so many patients and helping to spread awareness of acupuncture.
Sam plans on revisiting the hospital this year and if he does so, we will continue to support his endeavours. We also plan to run a Shanghai Study Trip in April 2019 in partnership with ICOM so be sure to look out for that. If you would like to know more about ICOM, you can visit their website.
As a company, we are always looking for ways to help, whether it’s supporting our local food bank or fundraising for charities within our industry. If you’re doing something charitable which is related to acupuncture or herbal medicine, we want to hear about it! Send a brief email over to
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