There are various types of acupuncture but one technique that is becoming increasingly popular is cosmetic acupuncture. Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-invasive treatment that involves using intradermal needles to improve skin condition and fight the ageing process. It can help reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines, remove age spots and lift skin.
Many celebrities are now trying different forms of facial acupuncture, but how can you use cosmetic acupuncture in your clinic?
Intradermal Needles
At Phoenix we offer a range of cosmetic acupuncture needles and accessories:
Phoenix Standard Needles can be used for facial acupuncture. We recommend using thinner needles such as:
- 0.12 x 15mm – available in plastic handle needles
- 0.14 x 15mm – available in aluminium and plastic handle needles
- 0.16 x 13mm – available in aluminium handle needles
- 0.18 x 13mm – available in aluminium and copper handle needles
Phoenix I-Type Intradermal Needles are ideal for facial and cosmetic acupuncture. They are available in two sizes: 0.12 x 4mm and 0.18 x 6mm. 200 needles per box.
Phoenix D-Type Needles are small Korean style needles which are ideal for hand and facial acupuncture. They are available in two sizes: 0.18 x 7mm and 0.18 x 8mm. 100 needles per box.
7 Star Plum Blossom Hammer ideal for Plum Blossom Needling – a thousand-year-old technique, commonly used to help treat skin conditions. We also offer the 7 Star Plum Blossom Set with 13 disposable heads.
Thrive Intradermal Needles by Amanda Shayle are colour-coded for clear visibility during insertion and removal with an innovation design or ease of manual or tweezer handling. Presented individually in a pad to ensure safety with use near the face.
Thrive Standard:
- 0.18 x 3mm – essential for scars and thinner skin
- 0.18 x 6mm – for sculpting and deeper insertion
Thrive Gentle:
- 0.12 x 4mm – silicon coated
- Less risk of bruising to delicate areas
- Suits more sensitive patients and skin
- Improved comfort levels during insertion
Please buy Thrive directly from AcuRegen
Acuregen by Amanda Shayle
Amanda Shayle, Acuregen Founder; has spent over a decade developing her facial rejuvenation techniques. Her innovations include specialist Thrive needles and adapted needling for the combination of the latest skincare and LED technology to achieve enhanced clinical outcomes.
In 2013, Amanda approached Phoenix and asked us to make her cosmetic acupuncture needles. She chose us because she used our standard acupuncture needles daily, and felt that our needles were unprecedented with quality. As the features Amanda required were not available anywhere globally, Amanda sought the assistance of Phoenix.
After many months of work and many of prototypes later, Thrive needles were born! Featuring colour-coded tabs and flattened handles Thrive needles are unlike any other on the market.
Since then, Acuregen has continued to grow – winning acclaimed awards and offering courses all over the world, including Europe, America and Dubai.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Courses
All Acuregen courses are accredited by The Acupuncture Society and are approved by the Continued Education Providers in the USA.
Core 1 – 2-day course:
- Introduction to facial acupuncture techniques to those who are new to facial rejuvenation
- Gain a more scientific understanding of collagen introduction
- Learn a balancing protocol using body and auricular and how to differentiate using commonly seen clinical case references
Core 2 Advanced – 2-day course:
- Adapting cosmetic acupuncture to include collagen induction techniques using pen and roller
- Body ageing concerns and dermatology
- Combining medical micro-needling with acupuncture, LED light therapy and skincare.
If you would like to know more about Cosmetic Acupuncture courses, please visit the Acuregen website.
You can shop all Phoenix facial acupuncture needles and accessories here. If you want to know more, please contact
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